
Junwu Huang:A CMB Berry phase from cosmic strings

2020-05-19    点击:

报告题目:A CMB Berry phase from cosmic strings

报 告 人:Junwu Huang (Perimeter Institute)

报告时间:Tuesday, May 19, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM

报告方式:Zoom meeting


Meeting ID: 944 9386 2587

Password: 340012

报告摘要:Topological defects, in particular, cosmic strings can be abundant in the universe. Such defects can lead to a Berry phase observable in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In this background of cosmic strings, this new Berry phase appears as a frequency-independent topological polarization rotation of CMB photons. I will discuss how to look for such polarization rotation in the CMB. I will also discuss how to look for these strings in strongly lensed quasar systems.