
Tongguang Cheng:Alignment and Calibration in CMS Detector Performance and Offline Data Processing

2019-01-04    点击:

报告题目:Alignment and Calibration in CMS Detector Performance and Offline Data Processing

报 告 人:Tongguang Cheng,Purdue University Northwest

报告时间:2019-01-04 10:30am

报告地点:物理系理科楼 B315

报告摘要: Fast and efficient methods for the calibration and the alignment of the detector are a key asset to exploit the physics potential of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector and to ensure timely preparation of results for conferences and publications. The presentation will review the online and offline workflows designed to align and calibrate the CMS detector in Run-2 (2015-2018) and its impact on CMS detector performance and offline data processing for physics analysis. The development in terms of alignment, calibration services planned during the Long Shutdown in 2019-2020 will also be discussed.