
Guilin Liu :Quest for Galaxy-Wide Quasar Feedback

2017-12-14    点击:

报告题目:Quest for Galaxy-Wide Quasar Feedback

报 告 人:Prof. Guilin Liu (USTC)

报告时间:Thursday, December 14, 2017, 02:00pm

报告地点:蒙民伟科技南楼 S727

报告摘要:Feedback from quasars is a key ingredient in galaxy formation models. Theorists expect quasars to drive outflows engulfing the entire host galaxy, but the actual spatial scale of outflows remain largely uncertain, and direct probes of this process in action are scarce. The development of integral field unit spectroscopy in the last decade has opened a new window for direct mapping of quasar outflows and for pinning down their spatial extents. Our pioneering work in this field has shown that galaxy-wide outflows are ubiquitous in the majority of luminous quasars. We have also performed the first direct confirmation of the outflow radii and energetics indirectly derived from the absorption line analysis. These findings are likely the long-sought direct evidence for black hole accretion energy reaching galactic scales and shaping the formation and evolution of galaxies.