
Fuyan Bian:Local Analogs of High-redshift Galaxies: Interstellar Medium Conditions and Metallicities in High-redshift Galaxies

2016-12-02    点击:

报告题目:Local Analogs of High-redshift Galaxies: Interstellar Medium Conditions and Metallicities in High-redshift Galaxies

报 告 人:Fuyan Bian (Australian National University)



报告摘要:In the last few years, an offset between low- and high-redshift star-forming galaxies has been found in the [OIII]/Hbeta versus [NII]/Halpha BPT diagram. I will present a method to select high-redshift analog galaxies based on the location of the BPT diagram. These local analog galaxies share the same region as z~2-3 galaxies in the BPT diagram and well resemble the properties of z~2-3 galaxies, including high specific SFRs and compact sizes, particularly, high ionization parameters and electron densities. These analogs provide a unique local laboratory to study high-redshift galaxies. I will discuss how to improve our understanding on the high-redshift metallicity empirical calibrations and potential marjor physical mechanism(s) to drive star-forming BPT locus evolution by using these analog galaxies.