
Suoqing Ji:The Impact of B-fields on Thermal Instability

2016-12-16    点击:

报告题目:The Impact of B-fields on Thermal Instability

报 告 人:Suoqing Ji(UC Santa Barbara)



报告摘要:Multiphase gas structure is ubiquitous in our universe which exists in both galaxy clusters and galaxy halos. Recent results from COS (Cosmic Origins Spectrograph) suggest that large quantities of cold gas with temperature of a few 10^4 K are found in so called circumgalactic medium (CGM), which extends up to galactic virial radius (~ 100 kpc). However, the origin and stability of such cold gas still remain unclear. In this presented ongoing work, we explore magnetized thermal instability as a possible mechanism, and find that the existence of magnetic fields can significantly enhance thermal instability and modify the structure of multiphase gas (even for very weak fields), which is applicable for both ICM and CGM. Lastly, I’ll briefly introduce the yt project (http://yt-project.org), which is a open-source python package for analyzing and visualizing astrophysical simulation data (such as Enzo, FLASH, Gadget, etc.).