
Jinsong Ping:Lunar Radio-phase Ranging in CE-3 for Astrodynamical Studies

2016-11-03    点击:

报告题目:Lunar Radio-phase Ranging in CE-3 for Astrodynamical Studies

报 告 人:Jinsong Ping (NAOC)



报告摘要:In Chang’E-3 landing mission, a 2- and 3-way lunar radio total-count-phase ranging and Doppler technique was developed by the radio science experiment team. During each ~3 hours experiment, ranging results with precision of millimeters were obtained, with a resolution of 0.5 millimeter or better. This new kind of space method, called Lunar Radio-phase Ranging (LRR), can measure the station position, earth tide and rotation, lunar orbit, tide and liberation, by means of independent observation. We are using this newly developed space geodetic technique together with LLR data in analysis for future lunar dynamical studies. Additionally, after the deduction of the earth atmospheric aberration, ionospheric disturbance, ground equipment thermal noise and the interplanetary plasma influence, the microwave differential ranging and velocity measurement of higher accuracy was verified. Using this technology, a scheme which is using differential ranging and velocity measurement is proposed as a precursor technology, in the field of space low-frequency gravitational-wave detection. On these bases, using the microwave link of a lunar lander and the communication navigation satellite at L4 / L5 libration points, a new method of low-frequency gravitational-wave detection, which has the sensitivity of 10–17–10–20, is suggested to partly fill the frequency band-gap between e-LISA and the pulsar TOA method.