
Yingjie Peng:A new framework for galaxy evolution and the next general galaxy surveys

2016-12-01    点击:

报告题目:A new framework for galaxy evolution and the next general galaxy surveys

报 告 人:Yingjie Peng (PKU-KIAA)



报告摘要:Continuity approach is an effective way to reconstruct the evolutional sequence of the galaxy population that is observed by large sky surveys at different epochs. It can be used to study the evolution of the distribution functions (e.g. stellar mass function, star formation rate distribution, density distribution function) of different galaxy populations. While gas regulation is one of the keys to understanding galaxy formation and evolution, as it depicts the dynamical interplay of the key physical processes in galaxies: inflow, star formation, outflow and metal production. It can be used to explore the evolution of various scaling relations (e.g. mass-star formation rate relation, mass-metallicity relation, stellar mass to halo mass ratio) of the galaxy population. The combination this two approaches gives a powerful yet simple full analytical framework to study the evolving galaxy population. Then I will discuss plans to explore some key issues in galaxy evolution with existing and forthcoming observing facilities (e.g. FAST, MOONS).