
Evangelie Athanassoula:Numerical simulations of the formation of disc galaxies in major mergers and their applications to our Galaxy

2016-10-21    点击:

报告题目:Numerical simulations of the formation of disc galaxies in major mergers and their applications to our Galaxy

报 告 人:Evangelie Athanassoula (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille)



报告摘要:Using high resolution numerical simulations -- following the dynamics,the star formation, and the chemical evolution -- we follow the formation of galactic discs during wet major mergers in which each protogalaxy is embedded in a hot gaseous halo. We witness the destruction of the discs of the protogalaxies and the inside-out formation of a new disc, which is both massive and extended. The classical bulge to total baryonic mass ratio varies from one run to another, taking values that cover all the range from lenticulars to spiral galaxies. The rotation curves are flat. In all our simulations the disc has substructures, such as bars, lenses, spirals and rings, with realistic morphology, including ansae and boxy/peanut bulges. We will briefly discuss some dynamics of these substructures, as well as the formation and properties of the thin and thick disc components. Last but not least, we will present results on metallicity and make comparisons with observations in the bar/bulge regions of our Galaxy.