
张东才:Why energy and mass can be converted between each other? A new perspective using a matter wave model

2016-09-02    点击:

报告题目:Why energy and mass can be converted between each other? A new perspective using a matter wave model

报 告 人:张东才,香港科技大学



报告摘要:It was suggested from the special theory of relativity that energy and mass can be converted between each other. But, energy and mass are two very different physical concepts; how can they be exchanged with each other? We think the key to answer this question is to realize that particles are waves in nature. Thus, particle properties like energy and momentum are related to their corresponding wave properties (frequency and wave vector). Mass is clearly a particle property, can it also be related to a wave property? Such possibility is investigated in this work. We found that mass and energy indeed share similar physical nature in the wave perspective. Both of them are related to the curvature of bending the vacuum medium during the propagation of the excitation wave. This similarity allows them to be convertible.