
Jurgen H. Smet:Van der Waals Stacking: a powerful paradigm to expand the 2D horizon

2016-09-14    点击:

报告题目:Van der Waals Stacking: a powerful paradigm to expand the 2D horizon

报 告 人:Jurgen H. Smet,Max Planck Institue for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany


报告地点: 理科楼郑裕彤大讲堂

报告摘要:The most prominent representative among the strictly two-dimensional materials is no doubt graphene. It is gifted with outstanding electrical, thermal and mechanical properties. It’s very responsive to its environment, since interactions of any material with the environment proceed through the surface and 2D materials are nothing but a surface. This may be a blessing for sensing, but can also be a curse as it frequently degrades the electrical properties. Attempts to alleviate the detrimental impact of environment have been the key impetus for the development of 2D material stacks in which graphene is encapsulated between boron nitride layers. It drastically reduces the influence of the environment and it is possible to enhance graphene’s electrical conduction properties significantly. This straightforward example can however be generalized to generate more complex so-called van der Waals heterostructures with more elaborate sequences of 2D materials. This presentation will motivate the need for van der Waals stacking to bring out the best of 2D materials and will give a flavor of how powerful van der Waals stacking can be to create designer heterostructures with engineered properties. It will address just a few of the simplest examples, both covering applied and basic sciences, but they will bring the point home that van der Waals stacking is a truly powerful paradigm.