
Yipeng Jing:Measuring the growth rate with the SDSS CMASS sample

2016-09-22    点击:

报告题目:Measuring the growth rate with the SDSS CMASS sample

报 告 人:Yipeng Jing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)



报告摘要:Expansion of the Universe is found to be accelerating. Mysterious dark energy is one possible solution to explain the acceleration, and modifying the gravity theory is another. The growth rate of the linear perturbation is a key quantity to distinguish between the two possibilities. In this talk, I will present a new method to measure the redshift space power spectrum for the DR11 CMASS sample. Defining a new statistic so-called the anisotropic measure that depends on the motion of galaxies only, we measure the growth rate. Guided by N-body simulations, we have made corrections to the non-linear effect using our model for the redshift space distortion. Finally I will compare our results with those in the literature.