
Synchrotron SOLEIL:Electronic and Chemical nano-imaging of wonder materials beyond graphene

2016-07-29    点击:

报告题目:Electronic and Chemical nano-imaging of wonder materials beyond graphene

报 告 人:Synchrotron SOLEIL, University Paris-Saclay, FRANCE



报告摘要:Recently, great progress has been made as a result of the rapid expansion in the range of modern microscopies. However, even if they have achieved remarkable, the problem still remains of providing powerful high-resolution spectroscopic tools for probing at a mesoscopic-scale. For such a result, the characterization of the electronic structure directly responsible for chemical bonds, electrical transport and the thermal and mechanical properties should be accurately accomplished. Hence, not only the study of core levels and chemical shifts should be resolved but also and more importantly, a complete and comprehensive description of the electronic bandstructure with high lateral, energy and momentum resolution should be fulfilled. Bearing in mind this need, we have recently developed a novel X-ray microscope, labeled, k-microscope or Nano-ARPES (Nano Angle Resolved Photoelectron

Spectroscopy) at the ANTARES beamline of SOLEIL (see Fig. 1), particularly well suited to provide both chemical and electronic information in the real and reciprocal space of mesoscopic and nano-samples. It is a cutting-edge technique able of determining the electronic properties of the materils, not only with high resolution in energy, angle and momentum, but also with high lateral resolution, at the nano- and meso-scale [1-8]. In this presentation, the latest published and unpublished results of the ANTARES k-microscope will be disclosed.

Fig. 1. Real-space image and nano-ARPES electronic band dispersion of single- and multilayer graphene films on SiO2substrate. Left panel, scheme of the Nano-ARPES apparatus, middle panel Nano-ARPES data recorded at the “A” position of the image (left panel). Nano- ARPES mapping of the states closed in the rectangular box in the middle panel.


[1] J. Avila and M.C. Asensio, Synchrotron Radiation News, 2014, 27(2): 24-30

[2] J. Avila et al., Nature Sci. Rep. 3 (2013) 2438, DOI: 10.1038/srep02439

[3] L. I. Johansson et al., Nature Sci. Rep. 4 (2014) 4157, DOI: 10.1038/srep041

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[7] D. Pierucci et al., Nano Letters, on line first (10/06/2016)

[8] I. Razado-Colambo et al., Nature Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 27261, doi: 10.1038/srep27261.