
林海青:Wilson Ratios and Quantum Liquids

2016-05-26    点击:

报告题目:Wilson Ratios and Quantum Liquids

报 告 人:林海青 (Beijing Computational Science Research Centre)



报告摘要:In a wide variety of materials, its low-temperature phases could be characterized by some dimensionless ratios such as the Wilson ratio (WR). In this talk we show that the phases of many-body interacting multi-component quantum liquids in one dimension can be described by WRs based on the compressibility, susceptibility and specific heat associated with each component. These WRs arise due to surprisingly simple additivity rules within subsystems reminiscent of the rules for multi-resistor networks in series and parallel. Using experimentally realized multi-species cold atomic gases as examples, we prove that the Wilson ratios uniquely identify phases of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids, while providing universal scaling relations at the boundaries between phases. Since these WRs are composed of direct measurable thermodynamic quantities, our findings provide an easy way to map out quantum phases experimentally.