
Stefan Martin Wippermann:Interface-controlled materials for solar energy conversion: semiconducting nanocrystal-solids

2016-06-07    点击:

报告题目:Interface-controlled materials for solar energy conversion: semiconducting nanocrystal-solids

报 告 人:Stefan Martin Wippermann,Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research, Germany



报告摘要:Recent experimental advances demonstrate the synthesis of Colloidal nanocrystals (NCs), their arrangement in superlattices and subsequent embedding in a host matrix completely by inexpensive chemical solution processing. However, experimental techniques to probe such nanointerfaces at the microscopic level are largely unavailable. In this talk we discuss strategies how to model such NC-composites from first principles, identify relevant structural motifs and processes by atomistic thermodynamics, their impact on the resulting composite's properties and validation by experiment. We highlight approaches towards efficient solar energy conversion, such as multi-exciton generation (MEG), where a single high energy photon creates several electron-hole pairs. Focusing on Si-based nanostructures, "exotic" Si allotropes, and III-V compounds we discuss ideas to tailor the properties of NC-composites towards such novel photovoltaic architectures.