

2016-04-19    点击:


报 告 人:赵继民,中国科学院物理研究所



报告摘要:Since the discovery of single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3interface high-Tc superconductivity by Professor Xue and his colleagues, various investigations have been carried out to elucidate its superconductivity mechanism. Here we demonstrate the evidence of superconductivity from ultrafast optical spectroscopy, using weak detection of the quasiparticle ultrafast dynamics. We obtain that Tc= 68 (-5/+2) K and Δ(0) = 20.2±1.5 meV. Especially, from the quasiparticle lifetime, we directly obtain the e-phonon coupling constant λ = 0.48, which is three times of that in bulk FeSe. We further find a 0.05 THz coherent acoustic phonon branch in the capping layer, which provides an additional decay channel to the gluing bosons.