
任之:Unusual interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in CeAu2Si2 under pressure

2016-04-25    点击:

报告题目:Unusual interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in CeAu2Si2 under pressure

报 告 人:任之(日内瓦大学)



报告摘要:High pressure provides a powerful means for exploring unconventional superconductivity which appears mostly on the border of magnetism [1]. Here we present the discovery of pressure-induced heavy-fermion superconductivity up to 2.5 K in high-quality crystals of the antiferromagnet CeAu2Si2 [2]. Unexpectedly, the resulting pressure-temperature phase diagram reveals a highly unusual interplay of superconductivity with magnetism, and differs markedly from that of all known Ce-based pressure-induced superconductors. In particular, for the first time, both superconductivity and magnetism are enhanced with pressure over a broad pressure range. Near pc, the depression of bulk Tc with the increase of residual resistivity can be well understood in terms of pair breaking by nonmagnetic disorder, strongly suggesting an unconventional pairing state [3].


[1] G.Knebel et al., Comptes Rendus Physique 12, 542 (2011).

[2] Z. Ren et al., PRX 4, 031005 (2014).

[3] Z. Ren et al., PRB 91, 094515 (2015).