
Fulai Guo:The Physics and Roles of AGN Feedback in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters

2016-05-05    点击:

报告题目:The Physics and Roles of AGN Feedback in Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters

报 告 人:Fulai Guo (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)



报告摘要:The astonishing phenomena of AGN feedback eject a tremendous amount of energy and possibly momentum into their environs, and are commonly believed to play a key role in cosmic structure evolution. AGN feedback has thus received a lot of attention in the last decades, and yet poses one of the central unsolved problems in contemporary astronomy. Is it really responsible for star formation quenching in galaxies? How do AGN feedback events transfer energy to their hosting galaxies and clusters? In this talk, I will discuss radio-mode AGN feedback in galaxy clusters and the Fermi bubbles in the Milky Way, two observationally-different (but analogous) events both likely related to AGN jets, and potentially producing different effects in two very different environments.