
Proposal on applying nonperturbative light-front methods to heavy quark(onium) production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

2016-01-12    点击:

报告题目:Proposal on applying nonperturbative light-front methods to heavy quark(onium) production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

报 告 人:赵行波(兰州近代物理研究所)



报告摘要:I start with a brief review of light-front quantum field theory, based on which I introduce Basis Light-front Quantization (BLFQ), a nonperturbative approach to the mass eigenspectrum and the structure of hadrons in the Hamiltonian formalism. I illustrate BLFQ through the application to the heavy quarkonium system in vacuum, where not only the mass spectrum but also the observables such as the form factors, the decay constants and the rms radius are evaluated. Next I introduce the extension of BLFQ to time-dependent regime, named as time-dependent Basis Light-front Quantization (tBLFQ), in which the time-evolution of quantum field configuration is simulated nonperturbatively and on the level of amplitudes. This method is ideal for treating system placed in a time-dependent (and possibly strong) background field. I first review its applications to strong field QED and to electron-heavy ion collisions in QED. Then I propose applying this method to study heavy quark(onium) production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. I will show a list of potential advantages compared to the traditional transport methods.