
Development of optical/infrared instrumentation capability in ASIAA

2015-11-19    点击:

报告题目:Development of optical/infrared instrumentation capability in ASIAA

报 告 人:王祥宇 (ASIAA)



报告摘要:Astronomical instrumentation is essential to the observational astronomy. Establishing such capability has been an important mission for ASIAA, in addition to the scientific research. The institute started with radio projects in the first decade and initiated the optical and infrared projects from year 2000.

Astronomical instrumentation is quite unique regarding the requirements and environment of the instruments. It requires certain training even for experienced engineers in other fields to be accustomed. In this talk, I will briefly report on the on-going optical and infrared instrumentation projects in ASIAA including SPIRou for CFHT, PFS for Subaru and TAOS II project to explain the experience of how to develop the instrumentation group and laboratory. I will also share the difficulties encountered in the past 15 years.