
Diffuse Interstellar Bands (One Step at a Time)

2015-12-10    点击:

报告题目:Diffuse Interstellar Bands (One Step at a Time)

报 告 人:Don York (University of Chicago)



报告摘要:The Diffuse Interstellar Bands have been known for almost 100 years, but remain unidentified to this day. They are much broader than interstellar thermal motions would permit and are thought to be broadened by mechanisms internal to the unidentified molecules. Four observable features from the molecule C60+ have been identified by a Swiss group, in the lab. There are ~600 DIBs to go! I will describe correlation studies of DIBs with other interstellar measurements and profile measurements that suggest some stronger DIBs are caused by small (6-7 atom) molecules. Our current understanding of interstellar chemistry and interstellar clouds is not sufficient to provide and explanation for the DIBs, and further research is likely to upset what we think we do know. I will briefly discuss programs with LAMOST that could augment current research on DIBs.