

2015-10-09    点击:

报告题目:LHC对撞机上通过ATLAS探测器寻找暗物质 (Introduction to Dark Matter Searches with the ATLAS detector at LHC)

报 告 人:吴梦晴, Université de Joseph Fourier



报告摘要:Dark matter and its existence are widely known nowadays, which inspire people longing for its nature and its interactions with other Standard Model (SM) sectors. One interesting idea is to search for dark matter production by annihilating SM particles at collider, for example Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is the actual most powerful collider. This talk will first give an overview on the motivation to look for dark matter at LHC, followed by a brief introduction to the ATLAS detector installed at LHC. Secondly, the main body is to introduce the dark matter searches in ATLAS based on the presence of a high transverse momentum object accompanied by large missing transverse momentum. The first LHC run results at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV will be shown along with prospects for the ongoing second LHC Run, including relevant performance studies based on the 13 TeV data.