
Topological states from spontaneous symmetry breaking in optical lattices

2015-07-03    点击:

报告题目:Topological states from spontaneous symmetry breaking in optical lattices

报 告 人:Xiaopeng Li,University of Maryland



报告摘要:Search for topological states of matter has attracted tremendous interest in condensed matter research in the last decade. In the context of ultracold atoms, engineering topological states has triggered rapid experimental progress in optical lattices. As motivated by the fascinating controllability of interactions in atomic systems, e.g., by using Feshbach resonance or Rydberg dressing, we studied interaction induced topological states via spontaneous symmetry breaking. This mechanism has a fundamental difference from the synthetic gauge field approach. In this talk, I will discuss two such examples. One is a three-dimensional topological density wave state supporting emergent Weyl fermions, in a Rydberg dressed atomic system where the “long-range” interaction plays an important role. The other is a spontaneous quantum Hall state emergent from interaction induced topological spin textures in an atomic Bose-Fermi mixture confined in a triangular lattice.