
some aspects of gamma-ray spectroscopy at GANIL and the ILL

2015-07-13    点击:

报告题目:some aspects of gamma-ray spectroscopy at GANIL and the ILL

报 告 人:Gilles de France

报告时间:7月13 日(周一)15:00

报告地点:理科楼 C302

报告摘要:Gamma-ray spectroscopy is intensively used at GANIL to measure low lying states in exotic nuclei on the neutron-rich as well as on the neutron-deficient side of the nuclear chart.

On the neutron deficient border, close to the proton dripline, gammarays have been observed for the first time in 92Pd in an experiment combining EXOGAM with a large neutron detector, the Neutron Wall and a charged particle detector called DIAMANT. The very high selectivity of this coupling allows one to extract very weak channels corresponding to a relative yield as low as 10-5 of the total fusion cross-section.

The level scheme which could be established is in remarkable agreement with the shell model calculations providing all the pairing channels are taken into account. In particular the role of the isoscalar channel is highlighted.

A combination of germanium detectors has been installed at the PF1B neutron guide of the ILL high flux reactor to perform the prompt spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei produced in the neutron-capture induced-fission of 235U and 241Pu. LaBr3 detectors from the FATIMA collaboration have been installed in complement with the EXOGAM clovers to measure lifetimes of low-lying excited states. Finally several radiative capture reactions have been performed.

During this seminar, the GANIL facility and its short term future will be presented. The measurements and results obtained in 92Pd will be presented and discussed. The experimental campaign performed at the ILL reactor will also be shown and the first results presented. Finally, in 2014, the AGATA array has been installed at GANIL. A brief overview of the system will be given including performances and a summary of the scientific objectives.