
Inflation from fermionic matter interacting with a gauge field

2015-06-09    点击:

报告题目:Inflation from fermionic matter interacting with a gauge field

报 告 人:Antonino Marciano,Department of Physics, Fudan University, China



报告摘要:I present results from works in collaboration with S. Alexander, A. Kosowsky and D. Spergel, in which a model of Inflation has been developed relying on a U(1) gauge field and on standard fermionic matter. The model is based on the interaction between a homogeneous and isotropic configuration of the U(1) gauge field and the fermionic charge density. The regulated fermionic charge density is found to redshift as the inverse of the gravitational scale factor. The time-like component of the gauge field is sourced by the fermionic charge, leading to a growth in the gauge field proportional to the scale factor. Consistency of the model is ensured via the Stueckelberg mechanism. There exists exactly one stable solution, the stability of which can be demonstrated numerically. Inflation arises then without fine tuning, and does not require postulating any effective potential or non-standard coupling.