
Topological Spintronics

2015-05-13    点击:

报告题目:Topological Spintronics

报 告 人:Nitin Samarth,Downsbrough Department Head and Professor of Physics, Penn State University



报告摘要: 摘要:The two-dimensional surface states of three-dimensional topological insulators such as Bi2Se3 possess a momentum space spin texture that can potentially be exploited for spintronics. This talk provides a perspective on the emergence of “topological spintronics,” demonstrating how this spin texture can be engineered using either quantum tunneling between surfaces [1] or by breaking time-reversal symmetry [2]. We then discuss recent experiments that show striking spintronic phenomena useful for proof-of-concept devices, including a spin-orbit torque of record efficiency at room temperature [3] and an electrically-gated “giant anisotropic magnetoresistance” at low temperature [4]. [1] M. Neupane, A. Richardella et al., Nature Communications 5, 3841 (2014). [2] S.-Y. Xu et al., Nature Physics 8, 616 (2012). [3] A. Mellnik, J. S. Lee, A. Richardella et al., Nature 511, 449 (2014). [4] A. Kandala, A. Richardella, et al., Nature Communications (in press).