
Spectral Analysis of Primordial QCD Matter

2015-05-28    点击:

报告题目:Spectral Analysis of Primordial QCD Matter

报 告 人:Ralf Rapp,TAMU,College Station



报告摘要:In the first few microseconds after its birth the Universe was filled with an interacting quark-gluon plasma (QGP) ruled by the strong nuclear force (Quantun Chromodynamics = QCD). After ~10 microseconds, at a temperature of ~10^12 Kelvin, the QGP transformed into hadrons, involving the fundamental phenomena of quark confinement and the generation of more than 95% of the visible mass in today's Universe.

We first introduce theoretical concepts and phenomena of the strong force in vacuum, including the notion of quark and gluon condensates. We then discuss the opportunities and challenges in studying the phases of strongly interacting matter in the laboratory through high-energy collisions of heavy nuclei. In particular, we discuss three layers of spectral analysis to reveal the properties of the produced QCD medium:

Momentum spectra of light hadrons observed in the final state, signalling local thermalization in an explosively expanding fireball; electromagnetic emission spectra illuminating the problem of mass generation; and the production of heavy quarkonia probing the occurence of deconfinement.