
Exploring exotic quantum phases with tensor network states

2015-04-16    点击:

报告题目:Exploring exotic quantum phases with tensor network states

报 告 人:汪玲,California Institute of Technology



报告摘要:Strongly correlated quantum many-body systems exhibit fascinating phenomena such as the high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates, spin liquids in frustrated antiferromagnets and the fractional quantum Hall effects in 2D electron gas. The physics driven these exotic phenomena are strong electron-electron correlations. The simulation of them is one of the challenges of condensed matter physics. In this talk, I will show that tensor network states (TNSs) are efficient variational ansatze for simulating strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. Tensor network states method has many advantages in study strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. It does not suffer from the sign problem and has no system size limitation. It is also general enough to embrace both symmetry breaking phases and topologically ordered phases. Especially when describing a topologically ordered state, one can access the full ground state subspace, the boundary-bulk correspondence, and even the excitation spectra of the bulk in the TNSs framework. TNSs method has gone beyond purely a numerical method, it has become a convenient analytical tool to understand and classify exotic phenomena of strongly interacting quantum many-body physics.

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