
Standard Model Physics and Beyond with eta Meson Decays

2015-04-17    点击:

报告题目:Standard Model Physics and Beyond with \eta Meson Decays

报 告 人:David Mack for the JEF/GlueXcollaboration (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)



报告摘要:Commissioning of the GlueX detector is in progress in Hall D at the upgraded Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia. Although the main mission of GlueX is to use a linearly polarized, 9 GeV photon beam to search for anticipated gluon-quark hybrid mesons, it is also an impressive factory for light mesons. The η(548) is of particular interest as it provides a laboratory to study isospin violation, and to search for laboratory evidence of dark sector particles as well as new, flavor-conserving sources of C and CP violation. Our experimental program will begin with the relatively common η→π+π-π0branch (~23%) to better determine the light quark mass ratio. A spin-off of the precise new Dalitz distribution for this branch will be improved direct constraints on C violating, P conserving interactions. Ultimately, we need to upgrade the forward calorimeter from lead glass to lead tungstate to search for lepto-phobic dark matter by the reaction η→γ+B→γ+(π0γ). This decay would appear as a bump in the Dalitz plot for the allowed but rare decay η→π02γ. The increased sensitivity of the lead tungstate calorimeter will allow us to extend searches for C violating, P conserving interactions to η→3γ and η→2π0γ.