
Manipulating Strong Light-Matter Interactions In Graphene and 2D Semiconductors

2015-03-26    点击:

报告题目:Manipulating Strong Light-Matter Interactions In Graphene and 2D Semiconductors

报 告 人:Sufei Shi,UC Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory



报告摘要:Graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, has linear bandstructure which leads to its unique electronic and optical properties. Light matter interaction is particularly strong in graphene. We exploit this interaction in the visible to infrared regime for graphene based optoelectronic devices. We use both scanning photocurrent microscopy and optical pump terahertz (THz) probe spectroscopy to reveal hot carrier behavior in graphene. This hot carrier behavior is crucial to understand the effect of optical excitation on graphene and can potentially lead to efficient solar energy conversion and ultrafast optoelectronic devices. We also exploit the strong light matter interaction in THz regime to make graphene based THz modulator. Transitional metal dichalcogenide (TMD), labelled as MX2 (M - Mo, W; X - S, Se), is a new class of 2D semiconductors which undergo an indirect bandgap to direct bandgap transition when it is thinned down to one monolayer layer. MX2 exhibits intriguing optical phenomena such as valley selective circular dichroism, exotic excitonic physics, etc. In particular, MX2 show unprecedentedly strong optical absorption, with one single layer absorbing more than 10% of the light. We combine optical spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy to determine the extraordinarily large exciton binding energy of MoS2, which is more than one order of magnitude larger that of traditional semiconductors. This large binding energy results from the strong Coulomb interaction in 2D, and MX2 provides a unique platform to study exotic exciton physics. However, the giant exciton binding energy also presents a challenge for efficient carrier separation in solar cell applications. We demonstrate that, by using MoS2/WS2 heterostructure, we can achieve type-II band alignment and realize extremely fast carrier separation.