
High Throughput, High Resolution Spectroscopy in X-ray Astrophysics

2015-04-02    点击:

报告题目:High Throughput, High Resolution Spectroscopy in X-ray Astrophysics

报 告 人:Wei Cui,Purdue University



报告摘要:As in many fields, spectroscopy brings precision to astronomy and astrophysics. It answers the question of what is out there most directly and quantitatively, and reveals the distribution, physical and chemical states, and evolution of baryons in the universe. These are some of the most fundamental (and outstanding) issues that span a broad range of forefront research in the field, from the origin and history of the hot “Local Bubble” (around the Sun), the formation and evolution of galaxies, to the puzzle of “missing baryons” in the present-day universe. In this talk, I will outline the scientific motivations for high throughput, high resolution Xray spectroscopy, describe the technology required and the status of development, and present a concept for a small satellite experiment. I will conclude by discussing technology development, in the context of long-term advancement of X-ray astrophysics, and its broader applications.