
NuSTAR X-ray Telescope: Bring The Galactic Center Into Focus

2015-03-04    点击:

报告题目:NuSTAR X-ray Telescope: Bring The Galactic Center Into Focus

报 告 人:Shuo Zhang,Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory



报告摘要:The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) was launched on June 13 2012. It carries the first focusing hard X-ray optics into outer space. With the unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution in 3-79 keV, NuSTAR is opening a new window in high energy astrophysics. A number of key science goals drive the two years baseline mission, among which is a deep survey of the Galactic Center, including one centered on the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). I will discuss current X-ray flares from Sgr A*, and its past giant X-ray outburst reflected by giant molecular clouds in the Galactic center region. Other highlights of the NuSTAR Galactic plane survey, including the discovery of a population of hard X-ray compact objects at the Galactic center, will be briefly introduced.