
Manipulating light-matter interactions in graphene and G/BN heterostructures

2015-03-06    点击:

报告题目:Manipulating light-matter interactions in graphene and G/BN heterostructures

报 告 人:巨龙,Department of Physics,UC Berkeley, USA

报告时间:2015年3月5日(周四) 上午10:00 – 11:30


报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce our progress on the investigation and the modulation of the optical properties, especially Raman and photoluminesence, of 2D semiconductors. The effects of defects and local strain are probed, and heterostructures are build up through the van der Waals stacking. Our results show that the easy modulation of 2D semiconductors due to their ultrathin nature, and the potential engineering of 2D semicondutors by diverse ways.