

2022-02-28    点击:




报告时间:2022-03-03 16:00



简介:In this talk, I will briefly review the status and prospects about quantum computing, with a focus on its physical implementation and potential applications. For implementation, I will use trapped ions and superconducting qubit systems as examples to explain the current achievements and the roads ahead. For application, I will show how a quantum computer can be used for machine learning with a potential exponential speedup compared with its classical counterpart.

报告人简介:Prof. Luming Duan received his bachelor (Ph. D) degree from USTC in1994 (1998). After appointments of assistant, associate, full professor and Fermi collegiate chair professor at the University of Michigan, he returned full time to China in 2018 and took the CC Yao Professor and the chair professorship in fundamental sciences at Tsinghua University. He received numerous awards, including Rao Ru-Tai fundamental optics prize, Huo Ying-Dong Prize, A. P. Sloan Fellowship, and was elected in 2009 to the APS fellowship.

Prof. Duan is a world expert on quantum computing and networking and has accomplished seminar works in the field of quantum information science. He proposed the well-known DLCZ scheme for quantum repeaters and modular network approach to quantum computing, laying an important foundation to scale up the sizes for quantum communication and computation. He published more than 200 paper in prestigious journals, including 2 in Rev. Mod. Phys., 8 in Nature, 3 in Science, and received more than 31,000 citations in Google scholar.