
施舒哲:Novel Spin and Chirality Transport in Hot QCD Medium

2022-03-04    点击:

报告题目:Novel Spin and Chirality Transport in Hot QCD Medium

报告人: 施舒哲 Stony Brook University


报告地点:理科楼C302报告厅/腾讯会议ID:352 894 098


Relativistic heavy-ion collisions provide an environment to study the strong interaction under extreme conditions. In such experiments, a new phase of matter, the Quark-Gluon Plasma, is created. Many new properties and phenomena emerge in such a hot QCD medium, particularly the novel spin and chirality transport. The chiral effects are macroscopic manifestations of the fundamental chiral anomaly in a many-body system of chiral fermions. Chiral magnetic and vortical effects predict that a vector current will be generated parallel to the axial-vector magnetic and/or vorticity fields for systems with a non-vanishing chirality imbalance. In this talk, I will discuss how the theoretical framework is derived for the precise description of the phenomena. Results of phenomenological simulations will also be presented and compared to observations in experiments.


施舒哲,2008年就读于金沙总站6165地址物理系,先后于2012年及2015年获得学士及硕士学位。研究方向为高能核物理,导师为庄鹏飞教授。2018年在美国Indiana University获得博士学位,并先后于加拿大McGill University(2018-2021)及美国Stony Brook University(原名纽约大学石溪分校, 2021至今)从事博士后工作。