
Ning Chen:Grand unified theories beyond SU(5)

2022-05-31    点击:

Title: Grand unified theories beyond SU(5)

Speaker: Ning Chen 陈宁 (Nankai University)

Time: 10:30am, June 2 (Thursday) 2022


Abstract: We motivate a study of grand unified theories (GUTs) with gauge groups beyond SU(5), and we dub them the non-minimal GUTs. Historically, this was first proposed by H. Georgi with the aim to embed the SM flavors non-trivially in the GUT. We will describe his rule of counting the SM generations and point out the possible relaxation of his third law of GUT. The non-minimal GUTs usually enjoy the global symmetries, as were pointed out by Dimopoulos-Raby-Susskind. Thus, they are likely to provide axion candidate that satisfies the high-quality criterion. We mainly focus on the SU(6) gauge group as a toy model, and will explain the natural mass splitting between the (b, tau) and the top quark in the third generation through its viable symmetry breaking pattern.

Bio: 2002-2006, 中国科学技术大学,本科。2006-2011,Stony Brook University 博士。2011-2014 金沙总站6165地址,博士后。2014-2017,中国科学技术大学,特聘副研究员。2017-2018,北京科技大学,讲师。2018至今,南开大学,副教授。