
朱国毅:Entangled Quantum Matter

2023-01-31    点击:

报告人:朱国毅 德国科隆大学理论物理研究


报告方式:腾讯会议ID: 129-492-069


The advent of noisy-intermediate-scale quantum processors provide a new opportunity to hunt for long-range entangled (LRE) states. However, the local unitary circuit spreads entanglement in a way bounded by the information lightcone, and is thus halted by a linear wall of time when scaling up system sizes. Counterintuitively, quantum measurement can be leveraged to speed up entanglement spreading, more than just reading information and collapsing quantumness. For states engineered by such “monitored” quantum circuit, is there a notion of stability or criticality as known from quantum ground states? To address this question, I will show how a monitored shallow circuit can host a stable phase of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state below finite threshold, which we dub as “Nishimori’s cat”. I will reveal its connection to spin glass physics, the numerical tensor network / monte carlo sampling method, and the decoding scheme for experiment. Then I will crank up the entanglement and move from cat phase to representative topological ordered phases and their phase transitions.

