
Myung-joong Hwang :Frustrated superradiant phase transition

2023-06-07    点击:

报告题目:Frustrated superradiant phase transition

报告人:Prof. Myung-joong Hwang (Duke Kunshan University)



摘要:In this talk, I will introduce the notion of frustrated superradiant phases of coupled light and matter [1]. Frustration occurs when a system cannot find a lowest-energy configuration due to conflicting constraints. I will show that a lattice of interacting bosons can be frustrated when the ground-state coherence of bosonic modes due to the strong local qubit-boson interaction cannot simultaneously minimize the positive hopping energies. The emergent frustrated superradiant phase exhibits exotic properties such as the coexistence of two diverging time scales at the critical point and site-dependent critical exponents . Moreover, we demonstrate that, by introducing a synthetic magnetic field to the lattice of bosons through the engineering of complex hopping energies, a plethora of exotic frustrated phases emerge as one varies the total flux due to the interplay between the time-reversal symmetry breaking and frustration of lights [2].[1] J. Zhao and M. -J. Hwang, Physical Review Letters 128 163601 (2022)

[2] J. Zhao and M. -J. Hwang, arXiv:2208.02268 (2022)

About the speaker: Dr. Myung-Joong Hwang is an Assistant Professor of Physics and leads Quantum Science Group at Duke Kunshan University. Prior to joining Duke Kunshan University, he had been a postdoctoral researcher at Prof. Martin Plenio’s group in Ulm University from 2014 to 2019. He obtained both of his PhD and Bachelor’s degree in Physics at POSTECH in South Korea. His research focuses on understanding quantum phenomena occurring in quantum optical systems, AMO systems, and solid-state devices and developing ways to make them useful for quantum technologies.