
张潇潇:Optical probing of electronic and spin states in 2D quantum materials

2023-06-14    点击:

报告题目:Optical probing of electronic and spin states in 2D quantum materials

报告人: 张潇潇 (University of Florida)

报告时间:2023年6月16日 (周五) 9:00

报告地点:理科楼 C302


Atomically-thin van der Waals materials provide a versatile and unique platform for studying physical interactions under low dimensionality and developing novel compact devices with tunable functionalities. In the first half of the talk, I will present our recent progress in understanding the exciton-polaron interactions and the modified Fermi sea screening in the 2D semiconductor of WSe2. Our results will highlight the importance of polaron interactions with different valley and spin-polarized carriers, which allow us to extract the evolution of screening as the exciton number become comparable to the charge carrier density. In the second half, I will present the optical studies in 2D spin-crossover molecular crystals, including the fabrication and the identification of layer-dependent spin-crossover transitions with optical spectroscopies.


Xiao-Xiao Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Florida. She obtained her BS from Tsinghua University (2012), Beijing, China, and a physics Ph.D. from Columbia University (2016). She did her postdoc at Stanford University and then became a Kavli postdoc fellow at Cornell University (2018-2020). Her research focuses on optical, optoelectronic and ultrafast optical characterization of novel 2D materials. Zhang is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and DOE Career Award.