

2023-07-25    点击:

Title: 钙钛矿和低维材料中的实时超快载流子动力学

Speaker: 高剑波博士 , 加拿大布鲁克大学

Time: 2:00 pm, July 28 (Friday), 2023

Location: 理科楼C302

Abstract: The understanding of ultrafast carrier dynamics is the foundation of emergent perovskite and low dimensional materials applications in renewable energy, nanotechnology, and quantum information and technology. To reveal the ultrafast dynamics, the majority research groups rely on classic ultrafast optical spectroscopies such as pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved photoluminescence. Although these non-contact photon-in and photon-out approaches have made revolutionary discoveries, which have been demonstrated by pioneers’ work in Femtochemistry (Zewail, 1999), super resolution microscopy (Hell, 2014), and chirped pulsed amplification (Strickland, 2018), they lack an in-situ feature for characterizing building block devices such as solar cells, LEDs, photoconductors, transistors, etc..

In this talk, I will highlight the ultrafast photocurrent spectroscopy (UPCS) that we have developed to bridge the gap between classic optical spectroscopies and carrier dynamics in-situ devices. In particular, I will focus on perovskites and 2D layer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC). In contrast to the traditional semiconductors, I will highlight their unique carrier transport dynamics such as strong optical phonon-carrier interaction and multiple exciton phenomena. This fundamental understanding of early time dynamics will lead to the next generation photovoltaic and room temperature superconductivity technologies.BIO:

高剑波博士是加拿大布鲁克大学化学系,和工程系副教授。高剑波博士获得加拿大阿尔巴塔大学物理系硕士和博士学位。之后师从于美国加利福尼亚伯克利分校纳米领域先驱 Paul Alivisatos 教授、美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)超快光谱泰斗Victor Klimov 博士、美国国家再生能源国家实验室 (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)太阳能电池泰斗Art Nozik 和Matt Beard教授。从2017年到2022年,高剑波博士在美国克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)物理系助理教授 (Assistant professor)。

多年来,新材料、光电、光谱领域一直缺少先进的光谱表征仪器。特别是以直接收集超快电流的方式去研究载流子的输运。为了建立载流子动力学和器件物理机制的直接联系,高剑波博士发展了独特的一系列超快光电流光谱技术 ,贡献于学术和光伏工业界 。成果发表于 Nature Physics, Nature Communications, JACS等。高剑波博士的研究方向关注于超快激光光谱、纳米材料合成、光电器件的开发(包括新兴量子点、钙钛矿太阳能电池,LEDs, 光感应器等)。
