
van der Waals Materials and Heterostructures: Synthesis and Applications

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:van der Waals Materials and Heterostructures: Synthesis and Applications

报 告 人:Young Hee Lee,IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics, Institute for Basic,Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

报告时间:2019-03-14 10:00


报告摘要:Recent development of van der Waals layered materials such as graphene, hexagonal BN, and transition metal dichalcogenides have drawn much attention due to their fascinating uniquely defined physical and chemical properties. What is missing is the synthesis of singlecrystallinity and wafer-scale scalability in van der Waals layered materials including graphene and more importantly, heterostructures. In this talk, we will introduce several examples of synthesizing the graphene in monolayer and multilayers and furthermore heterostructures of other van der Waals layered materials and furthermore some examples of physics phenomena, and electronic/optoelectronic devices of heterostructures.

1.Nguyen et al., ' Seamless stitching of graphene domains on polished copper(111) foil', Advanced Materials 27, 1376-1382 (2015).

2. Nguyen et al., 'Wafer-scale single-crystalline AB-stacked bilayer graphene', Advanced Materials 28, 8177-8183 (2016).

3. Han et al., 'Van der Waals Metallic Transition Metal Dichalcogenides', Chem. Rev. 118, 6297-6336 (2018).

4. Ki Kang Kim, Hyun Seok Lee and Young Hee Lee, 'Synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures for 2D van der Waals electronics', Chem. Soc. Rev. 47, 6342-6369(2018).

5. Lee et al., 'Wafer-scale single-crystral hexagonal boron nitride film via self-collimated grain formation', Science, 362, 817-821 (2018).

6. M.-K. Joo, et al., arXiv:1711.00606 (2017).7. Yun & Loc et al., arXiv:1806.06479 (2018).