
Georg Raithel:Direct spatial imaging of Rydberg-atom interactions

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Direct spatial imaging of Rydberg-atom interactions

报 告 人:Georg Raithel, University of Michigan



报告摘要:The Rydberg excitation blockade plays a central role in recent experiments that utilize cold atoms excited into Rydberg levels. These include quantum information processing, entangled many-body states atom ensembles that carry multiple Rydberg excitations, and efforts to generate non-classical forms of light. Here, we employ a direct spatial imaging technique to measure pair correlation functions in systems of interacting Rydberg atoms. In this talk, several experiments on the topic are discussed. (1) We have investigated rotary-echo effects on the pair correlation function. The rotary excitation echo depends on both the atom-field detuning and the interaction-induced level shifts in the system, leading to either enhancement or suppression of the pair correlation at distances near the blockade radius. (2) We have studied the trajectories of Rydberg-atom pairs by allowing the atoms to move freely for a variable time, before performing the pair-correlation measurement. We have extracted the C_6 and C_3 coefficients of van-der-Waals and electric-dipole interactions, and the anisotropy of the electric-dipole interaction has been imaged. (3) The expansion and correlation dynamics of a continually excited Rydberg-atom system have been measured.