
Jianming Zhao:Electromagnetically induced transparency of cesium Rydberg atoms in strong radio-frequency fields

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Electromagnetically induced transparency of cesium Rydberg atoms in strong radio-frequency fields

报 告 人:Jianming Zhao, Shanxi university



报告摘要:We study Rydberg atoms modulated by strong radio-frequency (rf) fields with a RF frequency of 100 MHz. The Rydberg atoms are prepared in a room-temperature cesium cell, and their level structure is probed using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). As the rf field increases from the weak- into the strong-field regime, the range of observed rf-induced phenomena progresses from ac level shifts through increasingly pronounced and numerous rf modulation sidebands to complex state mixing and level crossings. These EIT spectroscopy structure can be used to perform a rapid and precise (0.5%) calibration and measurements of electric field and polarization the rf electric field.