
Chenjie Wang:Quantum anomalies of time-reversal and mirror-reflection symmetries in topological orders

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Quantum anomalies of time-reversal and mirror-reflection symmetries in topological orders

报 告 人:Chenjie Wang,City University of Hong Kong

报告时间:2018-08-28 14:00


报告摘要:In quantum field theories, anomalous symmetries are those that are preserved classically but violated in the full quantum-mechanical theory. One way to avoid the violation is to put the theory on the boundary of a bulk theory in one higher dimensions. In condensed matter physics, these bulk systems are known as Symmetry-Protected Topological (SPT) phases (famous examples include 3D topological insulators/superconductors). Because of the recent development of SPT phases, we now have a better understanding of anomalies associated with various symmetries. In this talk, I will discuss quantum anomalies of time-reversal and mirror-reflection symmetries in 2D gapped topologically ordered systems, where excitations carry exotic properties such as fractional statistics and fractional charges.