
Sandra Faber:Star Formation, Gas, and Dust in CANDELS Galaxies

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Star Formation, Gas, and Dust in CANDELS Galaxies

报 告 人:Sandra Faber (UCSC)

报告时间:Thursday, September 13, 2018, 02:00pm


报告摘要:The CANDELS survey on the Hubble Space Telescope has produced high-quality photometric information from the far-UV to the near-IR that can be used to measure star-formation rates and reddening. This talk will compare the CANDELS star-formation rates to IR values and summarize the variation versus redshift, stellar mass, and galaxy radius. The resulting rates will then be used to deduce total gas content using the Schmidt-Kennicutt law. Dust predictions are generated from these gas masses, which are then compared to observed reddening from the SEDs. Much more dust is predicted than inferred from SED reddening. The discrepancy can be resolved if most of the dust is sequestered in small, dense clumps and therefore has little effect on the integrated light.