
Yongcheng Wu:Implication of Higgs Precision Measurement on New Physics

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Implication of Higgs Precision Measurement on New Physics

报 告 人:Yongcheng Wu, Carleton University

报告时间:2018-07-18 10:30


报告摘要:Measurement of Higgs couplings and its properties will be one of the most important target in the current and future experiments. There are some proposals of future lepton collider as Higgs factories. In these machines, we can achieve much higher precision on these measurements. With such high precision, only considering the tree level coupling is not appropriate, loop effects should also be included to give the whole results. With these possible data, using Type-II 2HDM model as an explicit new physics example model, we perform a global fitting including 1-loop corrections to all relevant couplings within several different parameter choices. From the global fitting, we get the lower bound on the mass of the extra scalars in the model which is as expected from the naive effective operator analysis. We also find that with 1-loop correction included, the Higgs measurement can also constrain the mass difference between different scalars. With just hZZ coupling, the constraint will be similar to those coming from the S/T/U parameters. However, when including all other possible couplings, the constrained region will be much different and mis-aligned with that in the S/T/U parameter fittings. Hence, in this sense, the Higgs precision measurement is also complimentary to the Z-pole EW measurement.