
Zhihong Ye:Nucleon Tomography

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Nucleon Tomography

报 告 人:Zhihong Ye,Physics Division, Medium Energy Group, Argonne National Lab

报告时间:2018-05-17 13:00


报告摘要:n the last 50 years, the development of the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) theory and many high energy scattering experiments have confirmed that nuclei are made of protons and neutrons which are further composed of quarks bound by gluons via the strong interaction force. Many progresses have been made in term of understanding the one-dimensional structure of nucleons, yet many unknowns, such as the proton’s radius, mass and spin puzzles, are still waiting for being further investigated. New efforts in both theories and experiments have just started since the late 1990s to understand the dynamic multi-dimensional structure of nucleons and how they connect to unsolved problems. High energy and large intensity accelerator facilities, such as the Thomas Jefferson Lab and the future Electron-Ion Colliders, allows us to start exploring these issues by using advanced detector systems to measure multiple particle scattering processes. In this talk, I will quickly introduce the current understanding of the nucleon structure and will mainly focus on introducing the existing experimental efforts on the SoLID project at Jefferson Lab and opportunities at future Electron-Ion Colliders in both US and China.