
Giacomo Cacciapaglia:Novel signatures of UV-complete composite Higgs models

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Novel signatures of UV-complete composite Higgs models

报 告 人:Giacomo Cacciapaglia, CNRS/IN2P3 researcher, CR1, Institute de Physique Nucl eaire de Lyon (IPNL), Universit e Lyon 1

报告时间:2018-04-25 15:30


报告摘要:Defining an underlying theory based on gauge-fermion interactions can provide essential information about the structure and properties of composite Higgs models. Firstly, non-minimal models are strongly preferred by minimal underlying theories, opening the case for a composite Dark Matter. Further, additional light states are also predicted and they may be the first sign of such models at the LHC. I will discuss exotic signatures that arise commonly in composite Higgs models. I will also briefly discuss how input from the Lattice can help guide the experimental searches.