
Jiazhong Hu:Beyond the standard: collective many-body correlation in cold gases

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Beyond the standard: collective many-body correlation in cold gases

报 告 人:Jiazhong Hu, the University of Chicago

报告时间:2017-12-18 10:00


报告摘要:In this talk, I would like to introduce several methods, generating and probing the entangled many-atom states that can overcome the standard quantum limit. The quantum correlations are generated by sending very weak light pulse into the cavity which contains many neutral atoms. We control the properties of the incoming photon, such as the polarization and/or the frequency spectrum, to obtain the final atomic states as desired. Other than engineering entangled many-body states, we also achieve the quantum degeneracy regime only by laser cooling. It is a simple, robust and easy method to cool down the atoms and enhance the inter-atomic correlation. This is the first time that laser cooling all the way to Bose condensations of alkali atoms is experimentally realized.