
Yi Yin:Phases and Facets of Hot QCD matter

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Phases and Facets of Hot QCD matter

报 告 人:Yi Yin, MIT

报告时间:2017-12-25 14:00


报告摘要:I will present new insight into the phases and facets of hot and dense QCD matter, which is created experimentally at heavy-ion collision experiments and is of the kind that once filled the early universe. In particular, I will present recent theoretical advances that address questions including: “how do the properties of the QCD matter vary when it is “doped” with a larger and larger excess of quarks over antiquarks?”, and “how do microscopic quantum effects manifest themselves in macroscopic QCD matter?” Extending my previous developments, I will discuss promising progress towards the goal of maximizing the discovery potential of upcoming heavy-ion collisions experiments which would potentially locate the QCD critical point and reveal the microscopy of the hot QCD matter.