
Jie Wu:Unusual superconducting and normal state in a cuprate superconductor

2020-08-26    点击:

报告题目:Unusual superconducting and normal state in a cuprate superconductor

报 告 人:Jie Wu,Brookhaven National Laboratory

报告时间:2017-10-26 10:45


报告摘要:Over the course of extensive experimental studies of La2-xSrxCuO4films synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy, we discovered that a spontaneous voltage develops across the sample, transverse to the electrical current. This unusual metallic state, in which the rotational symmetry of the electron fluid is spontaneously broken, occurs in a large temperature and doping region. The superconducting state always emerges out of this nematic metal state. Moreover, our studies of the dependence of superconducting transition temperature on the superfluid density reveals the unusual nature of the superconducting state, defying the standard BCS description.